Saturday, September 20, 2008

Rewind and Edit

Scratch that last whiny post from below. I was just having a moment of self pity and felt the need to share my insecurities with the world of the interweb. But now I'm done with that moment and thoroughly enjoying myself.

I was in the car today with Anders and Hilde and Vilde and Sara and for the first time felt like I was actually in my own life. You know how before, I was saying that I felt like I left my life behind and was living someone elses? I am finally comfortable enough with being in such a different place, that it's not feeling quite so different anymore.

We went to a farmers market and an art exhibition today, which was really nice. I'm being completely spoiled by my hosts. They're really amazing. And it was great to feel a sense of community and be around other people as well.
It's helpful having the German wwoofer Sara here, to give me some perspective. She's been traveling and wwoofing for 6 months almost, and I asked her the other day if she ever got homesick. She didn't hesitate for a moment, she just said No I have been having too much fun to miss my home. And it was such a positive answer, I thought to myself, Why the hell am I not approaching this experience that way? So from now on, I'm just going to try and enjoy every day, all the ups and downs of daily life, and not miss the silly things like Brooklyn flea markets and urban landscapes. Those will be there in the future anyways.

I am considering flying to France to work on a farm there for the month of November. Before I was thinking of Ireland, but then I really thought about continuous cold rainy weather, and suddenly France sounded more inviting. Plus Pete and Ginny told me that they could see me in an old ramshackley French farm (having been to one recently themselves), so that's a good enough reason for me.

Anyone have any suggestions of where I should go? I don't really know my French geography so well.


suzanne kossoy said...

south, warm, ocean? its wonderful to see you bounce back from the lows. life is that, up, down, around. i like warm climates. hug, suzanne

Emma Maria said...

thanks suzanne!
south, warm, ocean. sounds perrrrfect!
i think i might like to be near some wine country too perhaps. mmmm.